Thursday, May 10, 2007

Windows Vista and Media Player SLOW - FIX

Loading between songs in Windows Vista on Windows Media Player 11 is so slow and it takes forever - sometimes even 10 seconds for just one song. Is it because you have 40gb of music or only 1gb ram? Probably not. Windows Media Player 11 has a lot of security/rights management crap or whatever it is... Point being: You should not have to wait that freekin long for your next song to load. And here's how to fix it:

1) Go to your control panel.
2) Switch to Classic View (left side) for the time being.
3) Go to Sound
4) Select Speakers/Headphones and select properties
5) Depending on what type of sound device and computer you have this part will be different:

-If you have an "Effects" tab, click it and select "Disable System Effects."

-If you have an "Enhancements" tab, click it and select "Disable All Enhancements."

-If you have something else that is related to the above two tabs, try that.

And that should hopefully fix your problem.
Test it and comment below.

Myspace Marketing


Anonymous said...

Bingo !
Cheers man :-)
Disabled enhancements, reboot, problem solved


Anonymous said...

Worked for me also, didn't have to reboot. Thanks! Do you know why these options are slowing things down?

Anonymous said...

Works perfectly now, Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Also worked for me. Reduced time to play an mp3 from 10+ seconds to instantaneous , and if I'm not just convincing myself, it has reduced the lag on system sounds (clinking links in IE in particular)

Thanks for the tip.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you!! My son was ready to send back his new computer. Works like a charm!

Anonymous said...

Working now, thanks

Unknown said...

I'm having the same kind of issue with XP. The same choices you describe is not available in XP. Any help for XP?

Anonymous said...

i only see "general" , "custom", "levels" , and "advanced" tabs... nothing about enhancements =/
what do i do?

under custom it lists "AC3 SPDIF" and "PCM SPDIF" ... what are those?

Anonymous said...

Worked for me to, thxs

Anonymous said...

worked for me as well! thank you so much, that was really ridiculous. 6/1/07

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

excellent. that problem popped up pretty much arbitrarily half an hour ago but this fixed it.

Anonymous said...

This worked awesome. Thank you so much. After buying a new computer with 2.o Ghz 4MB L2Cache, and 2 GB ram and 7600 RPM hard drive I was begining to think that system specs didn't mater anymore. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

This is a great little tweak, it also seems to fix the slowness with the Zune software also.

Anonymous said...

Cheers for sharing the tip! Works great now...

Anonymous said...

problem solved, thanks

Unknown said...

Worked like a charm...thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

thank god sombody knew how to fix that problem well done

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for this fix :)

Anonymous said...

Are these guys from Ms ASSHOLES? you get your brand new notebook with Vista Preinstalled and the first impression you get is that it's so slow that you can't play your Mp3s??? Morons... I just Can't believe it.

Thank you so much for the tip

Lisa said...

Thank you so much! I was about to kill my new computer...

Anonymous said...

another happy customer. The added instructions regarding the "Enhancements" tab helped me make sure I was doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

NICE, thanks so much. I was always so pissed whenever WMP would load. It took like 30 seconds for a 2 minutes song. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Works Great Now, Everything Instant, I should of read this before doubling my RAM

Anonymous said...

You are the man!


Anonymous said...

you rock for this!! this was driving me crazy!! Vista is new to me, and Im glad you posted this! Cheers man!

Anonymous said...

My suffering for one year is now gone. Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God! thank you man! I was so freakin' tired!

Anonymous said...

ThaNkS !
It worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a mil, very easy solution! The problem was annoying as hell. Damn you Microsoft!!

Anonymous said...

Good words.

Anonymous said...

Rock n Roll man !

You're a Foot,
i mean a Led End,
i mean a Legend !

Anonymous said...

I am having the same issue - whenever I initially open WMP 11 and lcik on a song in my library, it can take up to 25 seconds for it to play. Once the first song plays, everything is ok and all songs afterward play instantly.

I tried your trick with the enhancements tab and . . . well, it made the .mp3 quality sound crappy.

Anonymous said...

this article really help! thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

Sure think that did it!!1

Anonymous said...

thanks, really works. loads mp3 file 100x faster :)

Anonymous said...

I tried this but after I checked "Disable all sound effects", I then tried to select "apply" and then "Okay", which would not be accepted ???

Anonymous said...

Crazy, easy fix. Thanks a bunch.